Hi, I'm Jess I’ve suffered for years from chronic health conditions that the medical industry didn't really know how to help, and when I finally cracked the code to overcoming cancer and four autoimmune conditions I knew I needed to share this...

Jessica Jobes, Founder

We bring together women with autoimmunity to try new foods, supplements, and technology -- and discover what their bodies need to achieve a symptom-free life.

We believe in a community of women dedicated to improving their symptoms and sharing what's working for them, because when one boat rises, all boats rise 

In the



In the

In the






My Story Begins in the 80's

To Celebrate Zero-Symptoms... I Hiked Machu-Freakin-Picchu!

         ince I was a kid I’ve struggled with inflammation and digestive problems that were poorly understood


I went to doctors and specialists and got the run-around...

  • “Take these steroids.”
  • “Your Iron is too low”
  • “Your Iron is too high”
  • “You’re Vitamin D is low, but don’t take too much or you might overdose”
  • “I don’t believe that you get that many bladder infections… prove it.”
  • “I think you’re probably just depressed”

I learned that as long as I kept moving, I could control the pain... so I walked 90 minutes a day to keep from getting stomach aches

Inflammation & Digestive Problems

Misdiagnosed & Misunderstood

Keep Moving, Control the Pain

I started to get heat rashes (aka Chronic Uticaria) -- 30% of my body felt like it was on fire.  I also noticed cancer symptoms... I counted 17 days a month of swollen lymph nodes. At this pace I'll be doing another round of chemotherapy soon...

My Stage 3 Autoimmune Disease

And then my body yelled loud enough. I landed in the hospital and was diagnosed with Cancer of the Immune System.. I followed my doctor's advice and got chemo. Plus I found a guru and did everything they suggested...

Remission! Plus I overhauled my diet, I was exercising, taking supplements and thought I was on track for controlling my autoimmune disease...

I'm in Remission!

Symptoms Return + Another Autoimmune Disease

I Started an Engineering Approach to Wellness

I started treating my symptoms as 'gifts' - little pieces of feedback my body was sending. As long as I had symptoms, I could run tests to see if if the food, supplement, exercise or gadget was improving my symptoms and I learned fast! Within 8 weeks I hit my first 0 symptom week!

We formed Mint Wellness to show you there's a better way -- a way for you to use everything you've learned and apply an engineering approach to wellness - run little tests and crack your own unique code to finally take back control of your health, and do it naturally!

I'm Now Symptom Free from Cancer & 4 Autoimmune Diseases!

By running my own tests, I learned exactly what my body needs to thrive. I'm now totally symptom free and know exactly how to keep it that way... and you can do it too!

What I'm doing isn't working, it's time for me to take matters into my own hands because my body has it's own unique combination lock and only I can crack it... and that starts with paying attention to my symptoms.

Stop! I Need to Change My Relationship to my Health

Introducing Mint Wellness

   've coped with health issues for most of my life. I went to doctors and specialists. I had doctors that didn't believe me and maybe you can relate to that...  


Inflammation & Digestive Problems

The Early Days

Your Wellness Expert


I learned that as long as I kept moving, I could control the pain... so I walked 90 minutes a day to keep from getting stomach aches. 

I didn't know it at the time, but I was likely in Stage 2 Autoimmunity... Lot's of symptoms but doctor's couldn't diagnose anything (YET)

Keep Moving, Control the Pain

In the


My Stage 3 Autoimmune Disease

in 2020, I ended up in the hospital and was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. Which is a chronic form of cancer -- a cancer of the Immune System… In other words, my Stage 2 Autoimmunity finally progressed to Stage 3 where doctors could more easily diagnose it. 


I'm in Remission!

In addition to undergoing conventional treatment, I overhauled my diet, I was exercising, taking supplements and thought I was on track for controlling my autoimmunity...

Two months after being cleared by my doctor, I started to decline again... I got heat rashes (Chronic Urticaria), I was losing up to 250 hairs per day, had pre-diabetes and my cancer symptoms returned... I counted 17 days a month of swollen lymph nodes. 

I knew, at that pace I'd be doing another round of potent medication soon...

Symptoms Return + More Autoimmune Diseases


I realized that what worked for others wasn't working for my body so I needed a more personalized approach to wellness to unlock my body's unique combination lock...

Stop! I Need to Change My Relationship to my Health


Taking Control of My Health

I started Symptom Mapping. As long as I had symptoms, I could run little experiments to see if if the food, supplement, exercise or gadget was improving my symptoms and I learned fast...


I'm Now Symptom Free from Cancer + 4 Autoimmune Diseases!

This process helped me crack the unique combination code on my health which means I found the exact combination of food, exercise, supplements, and simple technology that my body thrives on.



Symptom Freedom Method

I created the Symptom Freedom Method to show you there's a better way to crack your own unique code to finally take back control of your health, and do it naturally! 


I Hit My First 0 Symptom Week!

Within 8 weeks I hit my first 0 symptom week! It was huge. I started to feel like a real person again.

What would it feel like for you to experience Symptom Freedom or even just major relief of your symptoms? 

I gotta tell you, it's a LIFE CHANGER.

About Mint Wellness



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